[Information about current and upcoming fitting and order events!]3rd August Information Update

・6/9 (Sat) ~ 6/15 (Sat ) Tokyo/ Kanda BOULCOM Tokyo
・6/15 (Sat) - 6/22 (Sat ) Yamanashi LaLa mizunosato
・6/ 22 (Sat) - 6/30 (Sun) Kyoto Rock on the Beach
・7/3(Wed)~7/10(Wed) Niigata Bouldering Gym Cloud Nine
・7/6(Sat)~7/15(Mon) Ibaraki Mito City Rock Gym Avue: àvue
・7/13 (Sat) - 7/21 (Sun) Yamagata FLAT bouldering
・7/20 (Sat) - 8/3 (Sat) Tokyo/Shirokanedai Bouldering Gym "Four-legged Walking Beyond the Sky"
・8/10 (Sat) -8/18 (Sun) Aichi Cactus 2
・8/10 (Sat) -8/18 (Sun) Tokyo/ Tachikawa D Bouldering Plus Lead Tachikawa
・8/10 (Sat) ~ 8/31(Sat)B-PUMP Yokohama

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